Workers’ Compensation
Because your employees are the heartbeat of your practice.
Protection from the unexpected.
You made the investment in hiring and training. Now is the time to protect that investment.
Put us to work.
Your employees are the strength of your business. Secure workers’ compensation coverage from an insurer that will treat your employees fairly and get them back to work as soon as they’re able.
The Business Insurance Program workers’ compensation policy benefits include:
Competitive premiums
Standard employers’ liability limits of $500,000 (higher limits are available upon request)
Payment plans with no finance charges
Managed care available in many areas to help reduce claim costs
Outstanding service
Loss control and risk management services
A highly trained and experienced claims-handling staff
Group buying power
Toll-free claim reporting number that means no forms to complete.
(Workers’ compensation through the Business Insurance Program is not available in monopolistic states: North Dakota, Ohio, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming.)
Assemble the following information when calling to request a quotation:
The number of full and part-time employees and their duties
The estimated combined payroll of your staff who handle animals
The estimated combined payroll of staff who have no animal contact
Your experience modification factor
The last three years of claims history
Your federal employer identification number